Bethlehem hath opened Eden: O come, let us gaze! We have found nourishment in a secret place: O come, let us receive the things of Paradise within the cavern! There hath appeared the Root Unwatered which buddeth forth remission. There hath been found the Well Undigged, from which David of old longed that he might drink. There a Virgin hath brought forth a Child, and straightway the thirst of Adam and of David hath been assuaged. Wherefore let us go unto him where He is born a little Child, yet is God before the ages.The background icons of David and Adam refer to the text of the Kontakion; these two men are also traditional symbols of music; David for writing and singing the psalms, and Adam for naming the beasts and birds in a prelapsarian voice that is the archetype of earthly music.
Actual size art print: $62
14" × 19" large print: $124
200dpi digital download: $12
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