Daniel Mitsui  ~  Black & White Giclee Prints  ~  St. Agnes of Rome



This print depicts St. Agnes of Rome, a virgin martyr of the fourth century. The episode shown here is retold in the Golden Legend:
Then the judge all araged made to take off her clothes, and all naked to be led to the bordel. And thus St. Agnes that refused to do sacrifice to the idols, was delivered naked to go to the bordel, but anon as she was unclothed God gave to her such grace that the hairs of her head became so long that they covered all her body to her feet, so that her body was not seen. And when St. Agnes entered into the bordel anon she found the angel of God ready for to defend her, and environed St. Agnes with a bright clearness in such wise that no man might see her ne come to her.

Then made she of the bordel her oratory, and in making her prayers to God she saw tofore her a white vesture, and anon therewith she clad her and said: I thank thee Jesu Christ which accountest me with thy virgins and hast sent me this vesture. All they that entered made honour and reverence to the great clearness that they saw about St. Agnes, and came out more devout and more clean than they entered.

At last came the son of the provost with a great company for to accomplish his foul desires and lusts. And when he saw his fellows come out and issue all abashed, he mocked them and called them cowards. And then he, all araged, entered for to accomplish his evil will. And when he came to the clearness, he advanced him for to take the virgin, and anon the devil took him by the throat and strangled him that he fell down dead.

This scene is surrounded by a border built of interconnecting units of millefleur ornament taken from my various ink drawings.

The print is about one and a half times larger than the original artwork.

Dimensions: 8" × 11"

An open-edition giclée print is available for $40. You may use the button below to pay via PayPal, debit card or credit card. Be sure to confirm the shipping address.

Price including shipping:

See this page for additional ordering instructions and general information. If you want to pay via a check or money order, please e-mail me at danielmitsui@danielmitsui.com.

all works copyright Daniel Mitsui / danielmitsuiartist at gmail dot com