This is a calligraphic treatment of words from the Lord’s Prayer: Fiat voluntas tua, or Thy will be done.
These are surrounded by ornament that includes sea shells, millefleur, and poison ivy.
Poison ivy is a signature symbol of mine. In my art, it represents both the curse of original sin (thorns and thistles it shall bring
forth for you), and the Holy Trinity (since its leaves are grouped in
threes, just like the shamrock held by St. Patrick). In this drawing,
the implication is that acceptance of the Trinity’s will involves an
acceptance of the effects of original sin, including sickness,
suffering and death.
The print is about one and a half times larger than the original artwork.
Dimensions: 7" × 10"
An open-edition giclée print is available for $30. You may use the button below to pay via PayPal, debit card or credit card. Be sure to confirm the shipping address.
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